Skopje, 07.12.2022 ‒ the second and at the same time the final workshop for the development of legislation for soil management in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, took place.
The Institute for Good Governance and Policy in the Environment and Climate Change Skopje (IPECC) in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MOEPP) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) organized the second workshop “Development of the legislation for soil managment in Republic of North Macedonia”.
The workshop was organized within the project “Promoting sustainable land management, through strengthening the legal and institutional framework, building capacity and restoring the most vulnerable mountain areas” funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), where IPECC, through a small-scale contract, developed several documents that laid the ground for the development of the Law on soil protection, such as:
- Plan for stakeholders’ involvement and communication during preparation of the Law on soil protection,
- Analysis of the legal and institutional framework in North Macedonia relevant to soil protection,
- Functional analysis of the management and soil protection,
- Guidelines for demonstrating and scaling up best practices for sustainable land management and land degradation neutrality and
- Roadmap for preparation of the Law for soil protection.
At the final workshop, which was held at Park Hotel&SPA in Skopje, the following were presented and discussed:
- the legal and institutional framework for soil protection in the Republic of North Macedonia,
- the Road map for the preparation of the Law on soil protection,
- the scope of the Law on soil protection.

According to the Road Map, in the next period, the MOEPP is expected to start the drafting process of the Law on soil protection.
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