Skopje, 21.06.2023 ‒ In-kind support Contract was signed with the EU funded Project “Technical Assistance for improving the enabling environment for civil society organizations in the Republic of North Macedonia” for implementation of the action “Enhancing Good Governance in Environment and Climate Change”.

The Contract is a result of selectedproposal of the Institute for Good Governance and Policies in the Environment and Climate Change Skopje (IPECC), submitted within the Call for in-kind support to civil society, funded by the European Union,through the EU Civil Resilience Mechanism.

Action’smain objective is to enhance good governance in the environment and climate change sector and improve the visibility of IPECC to be key actor of this topic in North Macedonia.

As part ofthis action, in the next six months the following activities will be implemented:

  1. Gathering information for identifying the primary policy and legal documents relevant for good governance in the environment and climate change (GGECC);
  2. Assessing the level of GGECC in North Macedonia;
  3. Presenting the results from the Assessment of the GGECC in North Macedonia on a public even in Skopje;
  4. Preparing recommendations to enhance GGECC, including proposals for legislative improvements and measures for implementation by the national and local administration;
  5. Organizing one-day training and mentoring for IPECC team regarding good governance in the environment and climate change and developing a Work plan of activities for the next three years;
  6. Promoting activities on social media sites, printing different materials, purchasing equipment and IT tools for the IPECC team.


Through these activities, IPECC aims to put on stage in North Macedonia the topic of good governance in the environment and climate change sector, contributing forenvironment protection in the country.

For further information, please contact us at: