On March 27, 2024, near the Bogoslovec windmills, Sveti Nikole, with symbolic planting of tree seedlings, the preparation of the Law on Soil Protection in Republic of North Macedonia and the large-scale action for reforestation of significant areas with extreme and bare terrains in the country, were announced. The activities are part of the GEF/UNEP project, titled “Promoting Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Through Strengthening Legal and Institutional Framework, Capacity Building and Restoration of Most Vulnerable Mountain Landscapes Improving management of protected areas”.

The event was attended by the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Kaja Shukova, as well as other representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, representatives from PE “National Forests” – Skopje, as well as the Institute for Good Governance and Policies in the Environment and Climate changes – IPЕCC Skopje, which is also a partner in the implementation of the project. The law is expected to establish not only guidelines for sustainable soil management practices, but also to address the issues regarding degradation, erosion and pollution.