The Institute for Good Governance and Policies in the Environment and Climate Change – Skopje (IPECC), within the framework of the Berlin Process, organizes the thematic working group “Climate and Green Agenda” at the Forum for Civil Society and Think Tank Organizations for 2023 (CSF). The forum is a series of events to encourage dialogue, share best practices and develop policy recommendations between civil society representatives and experts from the Western Balkans. The CSF, organized as part of the Berlin Process Summit to be held in October 2023 in Tirana, aims to foster regional cooperation, strengthen EU-related reforms and support the accession process of the Western Balkan countries.

Twenty representatives from civil and think-tank organizations from the Western Balkans, experts in the field, as well as representatives from international organizations will actively participate in the thematic working group “Climate and Green Agenda”. The working group will focus the consultation process on the topic of “Green Infrastructure Investments”, with additional focus on “Good Governance in Environment” and “Biodiversity and Protection of Natural Resources”. The three topics are closely related and co-dependent and represent part of the main challenges and needs for reforms in the countries of the Western Balkans.
IPECC started the consultative process by preparing documents on the situations, challenges, priorities and policy developments in each of the six countries of the Western Balkans. The documents will be the basis for a broad discussion at the working online meetings on each topic individually, which will be held in the second half of July 2023. The consultative process will be rounded off with a public event that will be held in Skopje in September 2023, at which they will define this year’s recommendations of the Civil Society Forum on “Climate and Green Agenda”. The recommendations will be presented to the leaders of the Western Balkans at the summit in Tirana.

The Open Society Foundations – Western Balkans (OSFWB), mandated by the Government of Albania as the current holder of the Presidency of the Berlin Process, and in collaboration with the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and with the Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), will organize this year’s Civil Society & Think Tank Forum (CSF).