Skopje, December 26, 2023

The Institute for Good Governance and Policies in the Environment and Climate Change Skopje (IPECC), prepared Report from the research on the current state of governance in the field of environment and climate change in North Macedonia.

The Report is output of the action “Enhancing Good Governance in Environment and Climate Change”, which is financed by the European Union, through the Civil Resilience Mechanism, as part of the in-kind support Contract signed with the Project “Technical Assistance for improving the enabling environment for civil society organizations in the Republic of North Macedonia”

The aim of the research was to assess the current level of understanding of good governance in the environment and climate change among different stakeholders and how good governance is reflected in relevant laws and policies. At the same time, this Report is aimed at strengthening the capacity of IPECC and through it the civil sector in North Macedonia for better engagement for good governance in the environment and climate change and strengthening communication between stakeholders.


The Report can be downloaded from the link below:

Report on good governance in the environment and change in North Macedonia

Summary from the Report in English language


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