On the occasion of June 5, the World Environment Day for 2024, the Institute for Good Governance and Policies in the Environment and Climate Change (IPECC) Skopje in cooperation with the Municipality of Centar  and the support of the collective handler of waste electrical and electronic equipment ELKOLEKT LLC Skopje conducted an educational event in MES „11 Oktomvri“ – Skopje with a focus on land recovery, desertification and drought resistance, under the slogan “We grow with healthy soil”.

Using our commitment to raising awareness among young people and their role for a healthy and clean environment, this event gave the students from OOU “11 Oktomvri” – Skopje, the opportunity to learn about the importance and role of soil as one of the basic natural substrates.

As part of the event in a pleasant outdoor setting, the students participated in an action to plant seasonal flower plants. With great environmental awareness, they have marked their pots, planted small plants of choice and will continue to nurture them, in order to create a welcoming habitat for pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds.

#WorldEnvironmentDay #GenerationRestoration