During the period from April 15 to 17, 2024, a thematic study visit was organized by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of North Macedonia (MoEPP), the Department of Nature, and the Institute for Good Governance and Policies in the Environment and Climate Change (IPECC) – Skopje, in the Republic of Serbia, focused on the UNESCO Geopark establishment process.
The purpose of the study visit was exchanging experiences and knowledge for implementation of the administrative process during the preparation of the application with accompanying materials for nomination in the European Geoparks Network and acquisition of UNESCO Geopark status, as well as its functioning in accordance with the international guidelines and procedures and the national legislation.
In addition to the representatives from the Department of Nature (DN) from the Environmental Administration of the MoEPP and IPECC, the event was also attended by representatives from the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Serbia, the Institute for Nature Protection of the Republic of Serbia, National Park “Gjerdap – UNESCO Geopark” and representatives from the tourist organization of the Municipality of Majdanpek, also from the Republic of Serbia.
During the three-day agenda, the participants had the opportunity to take a tour of the Ploce lookout point, which is one of the most visited lookout points in the NP “Gjerdap – UNESCO Geopark” due to the unique view of the Danube river springing from a bird’s eye view, the Vlasac lookout point, which is a Mesolithic archaeological site, belonging to the culture called Lepenski Vir and dating back to the 7th millennium BC, as well as the geolocality of the Boljetin river canyon, which is the first protected geological locality in the area of NP “Gjerdap”.
The study visit served for promoting a joint dialogue, discussion and other activities intended to connect the stakeholders from both countries, focusing on the nomination in the European Geoparks Network and acquisition of UNESCO Geopark status in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Visiting the Ploce lookout

Visiting the Vlasac lookout

Visiting the Boljetin River canyon