On December 12, 2023, the final consultation event “Together for improved governance in the field of environment and climate change” was held at the Marriott Hotel in Skopje. The event was organized by the Institute for Good Governance and Policies for Environment and Climate Change (IPECC), within the framework of the project “Enhancing Good Governance in the Environment and Climate Change”, financially supported by the European Union, and implemented through the Civil Resilience Mechanism.

The event was attended by 36 participants, representatives of the non-governmental sector, local self-government and the central government. During the event, the international standards and practices for good governance in the area of the environment and climate change were presented, as well as the Report on the current situation with good governance in the environment and climate change sector in North Macedonia.

The main lecturer on the subject International Principles, Standards and Practices was the representative from the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Igor Dizdarevic, who shared information about the activities and scope of EIPA, as well as the main legal framework, regulations and conventions that are crucial for good governance in the field of environment.

In order to collect data for the preparation of the Report on the current situation with good governance in the environment and climate change sector in North Macedonia, desk research was carried out, which included the preparation of questionnaires for the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MOEPP), which were also shared with the municipalities for further processing, as well as  interviews were conducted with officers from relevant departments of MOEPP. The Report on the current situation was prepared and presented by Tony Poposki, Expert on good governance in environment. The Report will be further finalized according to the conclusions of the consultation event.

With this project, IPECC aimed to assess the current level of understanding of good governance in environment and climate change among different stakeholders (such as central and local government, non-governmental organizations and the business sector), and then to analyze how it is covered in environmental legislation and central and local level administration practices.

The Final Report will additionally be published on the IPECC website, as well as electronically shared with all who were part of the consultation event.