As BSc in Chemistry, she has more than 20 years of professional experience in the field of environment, in particular in implementation of environmental legislation at central and local level, waste management, industrial emissions, climate change, environmental impact assessments, chemicals and strategic environmental assessment.
As expert she worked on strengthening institutional capacities for mainstreaming quadruple synergy schemes in implementation of the National Action Plans (NAPs) for implementation of SAICM and inclusion of Minamata convention. At the same time, she worked on preparation of EIA Studies for establishment of integrated and financially self-sustainable waste management systems in 5 regions, including strategic assessment of the Regional waste management plans in North Macedonia.
She was a Deputy Team Leader of a project that aimed to strengthen the capacities of the municipalities in North Macedonia in environment management.
As technical expert participated on preparation of guidelines for preparation of IPPC permits in the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, as well as for development of the Law on industrial emission control.
She has 5 years of experience in the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning participating in preparation of IPPC permits as well as providing technical expertise in drafting laws and by-laws.