Dr. Ilir Luma

Dr. Ilir Luma

Dr. Ilir Luma is a doctor of medicine with 35 years of experience in primary health care, in preventive and curative fields. From 1995 to 1998 he was a Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Macedonia. He actively participated in the preparation of the Law on...
Fana Hristovska

Fana Hristovska

As BSc in Chemistry, she has more than 20 years of professional experience in the field of environment, in particular in implementation of environmental legislation at central and local level, waste management, industrial emissions, climate change, environmental...
Radica Koceva

Radica Koceva

Radica Koceva holds MSc in Economics obtained at the Faculty of Economics, “University Ss Cyril and Methodius” Skopje. She has over 20 years of a professional career in the Ministry of Finance, during which she acquired profound experience in public finance...
Jadranka Ivanova, President

Jadranka Ivanova, President

Jadranka Ivanova, holds a BSc in Law and a MSc in Public Policy and Management (Pittsburg University, USA) and a MSs in Environmental Science and Management (Brunel University, London, UK). She has almost 20 years of working experience in the Ministry of Environment...
Radica Koceva

Радица Коцева

Радица Коцева е магистер по економија на Економскиот факултет на Универзитетот „Свети Кирил и Методиј“ – Скопје. Таа зад себе има повеќе од 20 години професионална кариера во Министерството за финансии, каде што се има стекнато со огромно искуство во управување...